Differing Lecture Capture Opt-out Rates by School


One interesting item of note, during our analysis of our opt-out rates for lecture capture we have noticed that the institutional average hides a much more complex picture. Although the average is 11.7% the minimum school level opt-out is as low as 0% and as high as 32%. Another trend seems to be STEM vs non-STEM subject areas. Both of our STEM faculties (Science & Engineering and Biology, Medicine & Health) have opt-out rates well below the institutional average. Within the STEM group the highest opt-out rate is almost half the institutional average. Conversely, all five Humanities schools have opt-out rates above the University average and in some cases, well above the University average.

We do not currently gather the reason why an individual chooses to opt-out. It is likely we will attempt to survey staff who opt-out, however this may present some difficulties. Approximately 250 academics opt-out each year and anecdotally, a typical response rate to a voluntary survey will be between 10-15%. This would translate to 25 to 37 responses and this may not be enough data to obtain a clear picture.

November 2018

Stuart Phillipson